

6 revistes trobades

6 publicacions trobades

20 documents trobats

Challenge 0 of the πPlateS project assesses the probable losses due to seismic and flood risks initially in the Pla de Barcelona and certain areas of the coast, as representative [...]

I. de-Pouplana, S. Latorre Sanchez, M. Masó Sotomayor, E. Pérez, X. Guinart, X. Baulies, E. Oñate

Presentem un nou model “2.5D” per a la predicció de la concentració del diòxid de nitrogen (NO2) a l’escala del carrer d’una àrea [...]

I. de-Pouplana, S. Latorre Sanchez, E. Oñate, X. Guinart, E. Pérez

Air pollution in urban areas has become a topic of major concern for all relevant institutions. It is well established that living in areas with high levels of air contaminants [...]

A Catalunya hi ha una vintena de parcs naturals en els quals es vetlla per una bona qualitat dels ecosistemes. Els impactes que els afecten, possiblement derivats de les activitats [...]

Challenge 0 of the PIKSEL project assesses the probable losses due to seismic and flood risks initially in the Pla de Barcelona and certain areas of the coast, as representative [...]

Les platges del litoral català suporten una intensa activitat humana i econòmica. En la mesura que l'activitat econòmica a les platges ha de ser regulada, [...]

Multiple departments of the Government of Catalonia and CIMNE are working on the development of a predictive tool to help in decision-making on land use planning and urban [...]

Challenge 3 of PIKSEL project aims to design objectives tools to help air quality managers in a given region to predict the incidence of episodes when tropospheric ozone immission [...]

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