Started: 2018-11-01 - Finalitzat: 2019-05-01
Rafel Simó's research group at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM)To assess how physical (salinity, temperature, wind) and biological (presence of different phytoplankton species) factors relate to and/or influence the production and emission of DMS from the Antarctic Ocean to the atmosphere.
For this purpose, a statistical study of the samples was carried out using the R programme.
Started: 2021-10-01- Actualment a estudi
Started: 2016-09-01 - Finalitzat: 2019-06-01
Explaining to visitors the modules of the permanent exhibition in the Universe Hall, in the different sections: Kosmos, Evolution and Frontiers of Knowledge.
Through dialogue, the scientific part of the modules was explained, adapting the explanation to the level of knowledge of those interested.